We are the Speech and Language Therapy Team at Beacon Hill. Our team comprises four speech and
language therapists, Chloe, Kara, Rachel, and Nichola; and an assistant speech and language therapist,
Our aim is to help children and young people develop their best possible communication skills, taking into
account their individual abilities and needs. In doing this we work closely with the class team and the multi-
disciplinary team in school to jointly assess the communication skills of students, set communication targets
(PLP’s) and provide advice and training to staff around appropriate communication strategies and
We also work with students who experience eating, drinking and/or swallowing difficulties.
If you would like to discuss your child’s speech, language and communication needs and/or eating,
drinking and swallowing difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us using your child’s home school
book, or via telephone: 0191 643 3006.
Please see our website for further information and links to relevant organisations and resources:
Yours faithfully,
Chloe, Kara, Rachel, Nichola and Michelle
The Speech and Language Therapy Team