What is Pupil Premium Funding?


Beacon Hill School receives an additional allowance from the Government to help address areas such as raising gaps in attainment for our disadvantaged pupils. Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds, generally face extra challenges in reaching their full potential at school and often do not perform as well as their peers.


This is called the Pupil Premium (PP) and is in addition to main school funding. This funding is allocated straight to the school and is clearly identifiable in our budget. The premium awarded is in addition to any funding the pupil may receive for their special educational needs. PP is awarded for every pupil who:

  • Is in receipt of a Free School Meal in the current year;

  • Has been in receipt of a Free School Meal in the previous six years (Ever 6 FSM);

  • Has been Looked After by the local authority continuously for the past six months;

  • Is a child in a Services Family

What does Beacon Hill School use Pupil Premium funding for?

At Beacon Hill School, we recognise that not all children eligible for Pupil premium funding will have lower attainment than their peers. In such cases, we strive to ensure that all children’s needs are met regardless as to whether they are perceived as ‘disadvantaged’.

At Beacon Hill School , The headteacher, Senior Leadership team and designated teacher for Pupil premium and Looked after children, spend time discussing key priorities according to the school development plan and current priorities. Planning Pupil Premium spending is under constant review, using an evidence based approach.

Beacon Hill School publish Pupil Premium Strategy each academic year as required by the DFE.

If you would like to apply for Free School Meals please click on the link below
