In January we launched our Forest School project and the students have really taken to the natural surrounding and hands-on approach to learning in the great outdoors!
What is Forest School?
Forest School is a child-centred learning process which creates opportunities for holistic development through its long-term approach to developing skills such as exploration, investigation and enquiry, cooperation and communication and supported risk taking.
What are the benefits of Forest School?
There is an increasing amount of research-based evidence to support the benefits of forest school, especially for young people with additional and sensory needs.
Forest School has been found to enhance communication in autistic children. Forest School has been shown to provide opportunities for self-regulation. Forest School can build confidence and resilience. Forest School enhances problem solving skills.
Forest School at Beacon Hill
At our beautiful forest school site we are surrounded by nature. Our students have the opportunity to freely explore the site and all it has to offer. Staff closely observe each students’ interests and work to build opportunities week by week to develop these.
Forest School at Beacon Hill is a holistic, multisensory experience which aims to enhance our students emotional and social wellbeing. At Forest School, students use the natural world to discover more about their likes and dislikes, build confidence and discover their own boundaries in an ever-changing environment and learn to work alongside and with each other, creating a community spirit, to achieve an end goal. Classes take part in Forest School for a whole term so that the benefits can be truly realised and have a meaningful impact on our students.