Careers Education Information Advice Guidance (CEIAG) in Beacon Hill takes a graduated approach through the key stages with some common features such as the annual EHIC plan. Careers and Work Related Learning is designed to increase the experiences, independence and confidence of the children and young people.
Our Careers Leader is Amanda Bromilow
You can contact her at school on 0191 6433000
Or email him at
Our Careers Programme is:
In each of the key stages the number and complexity of experiences increases to develop their preparation for adulthood. All experiences are differentiated to meet individual needs
Key stage 1
- Looking after your belongings
- Experience travel training
- Out in the community.
Key stage 2
- Taking responsibility for belongings
- Understanding your timetable
- Experience travel training
- Experience road crossings
- Family jobs/hobbies day
Key stage 3
- Taking responsibility for belongings
- Understanding your timetable
- Time management
- Experience travel training
- Using road crossings
- What you need to independently travel
- Community day project within school
- Beacon Café taster session
- Works skills session round robin
Key stage 4
- Work related learning classroom chores
- Time management/organising yourself
- Using crossings safely
- Using public transport
- Planning a simple journey
- Using a mobile phone effectively
- Living skills 2 day project e.g. decorating a room.
- Beacon Cafe
- Works skills day round robin
- Completing Application forms
- Life path map
Key stage 5
- Time Management
- Independent travel training
- Planning a simple journey
- Using different modes of transport
- Using a mobile phone effectively
- Weekly Independent Living skills day at Beacon Towers
- Community project (1-5 days) at school
- 5 day works experience placement Year 13
5 day works experience placement Year 14
- Works skills day round robin
- External Providers fayre
- AQA unit Exploring Careers one day project
- Completing application forms
- Careers interview
Our careers policy can be found here